Grade10 - Biology - LO.2 - Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes

Grade10 - Biology - LO.2 -  Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes
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Sunday, February 6, 2022


We have in LO.2 Biology G10

First: the Concepts

Compare and contrast eukaryotes and prokaryotes

a. size

b. internal structures (membranes, DNA,


c. Example organisms

Eukaryotic cell structure and function toinclude:

a. Cell membrane

b. Endomembrane system (and its function as a transport and packaging system)

c. Mitochondria and Chloroplast (and its function as energy conversions)

d. Nucleus (and its function as storage of genetic material)

e. ribosome (and its function as protein synthesis)

f. smooth endoplasmic reticulum (and its function as lipid synthesis)

plant vs. animal cell structures

TB as a case study from SEPUP

Second: the References

SEPUP Materials -Unit 3 Cell Biology

Activity 3 teacher SEPUP page 272: 283 student SEPUP 171 : 179

Activity 4 teacher SEPUP page 284 : 289 student SEPUP page. 180 : 183

Activity 5 teacher SEPUP P. 290 :293 student SEPUP P. 184 : 185

Activity 6 teacher SEPUP P. 294 : 299 student SEPUP 186 : 190

Campbell: chapter 6

Third: the Videos links

Fourth: Skills

Use a microscope to make observations of general eukaryotic

cell structures.

Make scientific drawings

Make conclusions based on evidence

Make accurate inferences using text materials

Use the tools to prepare slides for plant and animal cells

Fifth: the materials as PPT., DOCX., and PDF

In the Drive from this link

Few Notes:

•Discretion of disease :

•TB is the abbreviation of tuberculous

•TB was found in the skull of Egyptian mummies at least 3000 years ago.

•The pathogen that causes this disease is mycobacterium

•This pathogen infects lung tissues then transfer to all body parts

•It transfers through the air, usually from cough or sneeze

•Symptoms :

•Appetite and weight loss

•Coughing, night sweat, fever, and chill

•How we get infected by tuberculous:

•First, an infected person inhales Bactria in droplets that released in the air by the infected person, after minutes or hours :

•The bacteria enter the lung if the body's immune system does not immediately kill them. They are ingested by macrophages, a type of white blood cell; it does not destroy the bacteria; it just ingests it.

•Most time, the bacteria are held in check by the immune system (laten infection)

•When bacteria get out of the check of microphages at this time, the disease becomes active the bacteria multiply and travel to the blood

•Possible reasons for laten infection become laten is weakened immune system due to AIDS or stop taking the treatment before finishing the course

•Diagnosing tuberculous:

• two kinds of tests are used to detect TB bacteria in the body: the TB skin test (TST) and TB blood tests. A positive TB skin test or TB blood test only tells that a person has been infected with TB bacteria. It does not tell whether the person has (LTBI) or has progressed to (ATBI).

•A small amount of a substance called tuberculin is injected just below the skin on the inside of your forearm. You should feel only a slight needle prick.

•Treatment and its history

•In 1943 the first man who take antibiotics to treat TB impressively the bacteria quickly disappeared, and the man recovered now; there are two main antibiotics used, which are:” isoniazid and rifampin. “

•Isoniazid: interferes with a bacterium ability to make their cell walls

•Rifampin: prevent bacteria cell from making their protein

•TB bacteria have become resistant to many antibiotics; people who do not complete the course of antibiotic contribute to resistance problem

•Multi drug resistance means the bacteria specifically resistant to the two main antibiotics

•the cost of treating multidrug resistance may be 1000 time more expensive than nonresistance

 Additional information from other sites

World Health Organization

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