Grade 10 - Biology - LO.9 - Plant structure and function

Grade 10 - Biology - LO.9 - Plant structure and function
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Sunday, February 20, 2022



We have in LO.9 Biology G10

First: the Concepts

‣1. Plant tissues: meristematic and permanent.

‣2. Meristematic.

‣3. Epical.,

‣4. vascular cambium.

‣5. cork cambium.

‣6. Permanent tissues.

‣7. Parenchyma.,

‣8. Collenchyma.

‣9. Sclerenchyma.

‣10. Chlorenchyma.

‣11. Complex permanent tissues.

‣12. Vascular.,

‣13. Dermal.

‣14. ground tissues

‣15. Plant tissue adaptation

‣16. Transpiration and capillary action.

Second: the References

Dynamics. 23.1 - 23.2p. from 605 to 618

Modern Ch.29 from p.583 to p.603

Holt Biology: 25.1

Campbell: 35.1 , 35.2

Third: the Videos links

Fourth: Skills

‣Use of microscope

‣Making detailed observations and records

‣Deduce cell processes from structure and function of cell parts

‣Scientific Drawing from Microscope section.

Fifth: the materials as PPT., DOCX., and PDF

In the Drive from this link

Few Notes:

Plant anatomy and physiology

-Providing supplies as the microscopic slides. Focusing on the study of leaf structure in a dicot plant. 

-Relate the structure of specialized plant structures to their function within the plant and within the process of photosynthesis. 

--Examine and draw cross section of dicot leaf

--Include structures of mesophyll cells, stomata, xylem, phloem, and chloroplast, and 

--Include other plant structures listed under concepts section. 

Essential question: How are plants the foundation of life?  

First concept: Plant tissues: meristematic and permanent.

-Plants are composed of three major organ groups: roots, stems and leaves.

-These organs are comprised of tissues working together for a common goal (function)..

-Plant tissues are characterized and classified according to their structure and function.

-Plant cells have unique structures, including a central vacuole, plastids, and a cell wall.

-Tissues – Groups of cells that are similar in appearance and function.

Plant  Tissues:

Plants  perform  functions  which are  different  from  animals and also their structure  is different , hence they have tissues which are different  from  animals. They  are further  classified into many sub categories which is shown  in the table  below:

Meristematic  Tissue:

-The main characteristic of this tissue is that it is responsible for the growth of plants.  
-The cells of this tissue continuously divide and later differentiate (i.e. get converted) into permanent tissue.

Characteristics  of the cells/ tissue:
-The cells are made of thin & elastic cell wall made of cellulose.
-The cells may be round, oval, polygonal or rectangular in shape.
-They are compact, having no intercellular space.
-There is a large nucleus and abundant cytoplasm.
-The protoplasm contains very few or no vacuoles at all.

Permanent  Tissue: 
-These tissues arise from the meristematic tissue.
-The cells of this tissue gradually lose their power to divide and acquire a definite shape, size and function.
-These tissues may be living or dead.

There are 2 types of permanent tissues:
-Simple permanent tissue.
-Complex permanent tissue.

Apical meristems:
-Lengthen stems and roots.
-Responsible for primary growth.
Protoderm 🡺 gives rise to epidermis.
Ground meristem 🡺 gives rise to ground tissue.
Procambium 🡺 gives rise to 1o vascular tissue.

Lateral meristems:
-Increase width of stems.
-Responsible for secondary growth.
Vascular cambium 🡺 2o vascular tissue.
Cork cambium or phellogen 🡺 periderm.

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