Grade 10 - Biology - LO.1 - Cell Diseases

Grade 10 - Biology - LO.1 - Cell Diseases
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Sunday, February 6, 2022

We have in LO.1 Biology G10

First: the Concepts

cell Theory Diseases

a. Infectious or noninfectious and factors 

b. Vectors 

c. Non-infectious factor

Relation between diseases and economic development case study: Malaria (from sepup)

Second: the References

SEPUP Book, unit 3 Cell Biology

Activity 2 teacher SEPUP page 259:27

student SEPUP 161 : 170

Campbell: chapter  6

Modern: unit 1section 4

Third: the Videos links

Fourth: Skills

Describe trends and relationships in data

Develop and support conclusions based on evidence

Use the microscope to differentiate between healthy and unhealthy cells 

Fifth: the materials as PPT., DOCX., and PDF

In the Drive from this link

Few Notes:

Disease description :

• Malaria is an infections disease which transfer from person to another through mosquitos specially the female of anphenos mosquito

• This disease caused by a single called parasite .

• History of disease :

• In the beginning people thought that malaria caused due to inhaling of stagnant water .

• In 1880 a French army doctor named Alphonse levrane observed the plasmodium parasite in the red blood cell’s of malaria patient then scientists discovered that the vector that transmit the disease is female anphenos mosquito

• Vector : a living organism that transmit the disease


• Incubation period : the days that the plasmodium still young in our body specially in liver until it’s mature

• Falciparum inculpation period : 12 days average

• Rbc’s preference : young cells but this type can invade all ages

• This type consider the strongest type also it has special symptom which is black water fever

Vivax :

Incubation period : 14 days average 

Rbc’s preference : reticulocyte 

Reticulocyte: are immature red blood cells formed in erythropoiesis processes, Reticulocyte develop and mature in bone marrow and then circulate for about one day In blood stream before developing into mature red blood cell.

Ovalle :

incubation period : 17 day average

Rbc preference : reticulocyte

Malerie :

Incubation period : 28 day average

Rbc preference : older cells

Consider as the weakest type

Knowlsie :

Incubation period: 11 days average

Rbc preference : weakest cells

 Additional information from other sites

World Health Organization

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