Grade 10 - Chemistry - LO.2 - Atoms

Grade 10 - Chemistry - LO.2 - Atoms
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Tuesday, February 8, 2022


We have in LO.2 Chemistry G10

First: the Concepts


Atomic Structure.







Second: the References

Zumdahl: ch.2 sec.3,4

Third: the Videos links

Fourth: Skills


Measure .

Measure and filter .

Compare data . 

Test theory .

Apply concept to data.

Determine behavior of cathode ray 

Develop historical story of the discovery of current atomic theory

Fifth: the materials as PPT., DOCX., and PDF

In the Drive from this link

Few Notes:

What are atoms?

the smallest, representative part of an element.

-Atoms are the basic building units of matter that make up everyday objects. A desk, the air, even you are made up of atoms!

-There are 92 naturally occurring kinds of atoms. Scientists in labs have been able to make about 25 more.

Atomic Structure

Atoms are composed of 2 regions:
-Nucleus:  the center of the atom that contains the mass of the atom
-Electron cloud:  region that surrounds the nucleus that contains most of the space in the atom

What’s in the Nucleus?
The nucleus contains 2 of the 3 subatomic particles:
Protons:  positively charged subatomic particles
Neutrons:  neutrally charged subatomic particles

What’s in the Electron Cloud?
-Bohr’s model of the atom, in which electrons circle the nucleus at fixed energy levels, cannot explain all the behaviors of electrons.
-In the 1920s, Erwin Schrödinger proposed that electrons travel in waves, which means their exact positions cannot be determined. He developed an equation to calculate the chances of an electron being in any given place. Using his equation, he identified regions around the nucleus, called orbitals, where electrons are most likely to be.
-Orbitals are the basis of the electron cloud model of the atom. This model is still accepted by scientists today

The central part of an atom.
Composed of protons and neutrons.
Contains most of an atom's mass. 

Positively charged particle. 
Found within an atomic nucleus. 

Uncharged particle. 
Found within an atomic nucleus. 

Negatively charged particle. 
Located in shells that surround an atom's nucleus. 


Description automatically generated

Isotopes Isobars Isotone

-ISOTOPES-: Isotopes are atom have same atomic number but different mass number or atomic mass.
-Ex- hydrogen has 3 isotopes as protium , deuterium and tritium having same atomic number 1 with different mass number 1,2,3.
-ISOBARS-: Isobars are atoms of different elements which have same mass number but different atomic number.
-Ex- argon and calcium have same mass number 40 but different atomic number 18,20.
-ISOTONES-: Isotone are the atom of different element which contain same number of neutron with different mass number and atomic number.
-Ex- silicon and phosphorous have same number of neutron 16 with different mass number 30,31 and atomic number 14,15.

-Alpha particles:

They are particles made up of two protons and two neutrons, which is exactly the same as a nucleus of a helium atom, so we normally represent alpha particles with helium's nuclear symbol H E. importantly though alpha particles don't have any electrons so they have an overall charge of two plus from those two positive protons because they are relatively large alpha particles are easily stopped by collisions with other molecules which means that they can't penetrate very far into other materials. In fact, they can only travel a few centimeters in here and absorbed by a single sheet of paper. However, their large size and a strong charge does make them very strongly ionizing which just means they can easily knock electrons off any atoms that they collide with.

Mass = 4

Charge = 2

-Beta particles:

They are just electrons so they have a charge of minus one and

virtually no mass. Now the weird thing is that electrons aren’t emitted from one of the atoms shells, instead one of the atoms neutrons decays into a proton and an electron the proton stays in the nucleus but the electron is emitted out at high speed because beta particles are pretty tiny they’re moderately ionizing and they penetrate moderately far into materials for example it would take several meters of air or about five millimeters of aluminum to stop them.

Mass = 0

Charge = -1

Gamma rays:

Gamma rays aren't particles at all they're actually waves of electromagnetic radiation light

lighters and they're often emitted after alpha or beta radiation as aware of the nucleus getting rid of a bit of extra energy and they don't have any mass or charge they tend to pass it straight through materials rather than colliding with any of the atoms which makes them only weakly ionizing this means they can penetrate really far into materials before being stopped so you can travel long distances to err and it takes thick sheets of lead or more four meters of concrete to stop them.

Mass = 0

Charge = 0

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